This work analyses the Feast of Tents at the Lages diocese, wich is located in Santa
Catarina. It is about an annual feast that started in 1997, from the end of the Bible
Diocesan Year. From biblical inspiration, this feast provides for Ecclesial Communities of
Base (CEBs), an ecclesiologic option at diocese and points to the ransom of praxes in
care and solidarity of recreated relationships from overcoming of the social and ecclesial
exclusions. The first chapter reports the process of ―"put up tents" in the history of this feast
in the last 13 years and also describes its biblical origins, particularly in the Old Testament.
The description of its rituals and most remarkable characteristics will be very laious so that
we chase new meanings for this feast in the context how it s celebrated by community.
The second chapter treats about the chalange de ― "disarm relationships of exclusion" and
inquires the presence of an exclusion logic in the Society and at Church. At the same time,
it proposes the overcoming for this problem by praxes of care and comensalism. There
two practices are been very present in all editions of the Feast of Tents and express
themselves in many attitudes, such the division of food, gratuity, reception. The
ecclesiologic option for the Ecclesial Communities of Base (CEBs) inspires itself in the
theology of the Holiest Trinity and presents an option for the purpose of resolving the logic
of exclusion, wich can be overcome through participation in all social levels. The third
chapter proposes some pastoral actions that confirm a new way of being Churc that the
CEBs shows and the Feast of Tents celebrates. In the opening for the sócio-political and
economic reality, it is introduced the creation of a new social contract that consolidates a
full citizenship and planetary, in the perspective of the construction of a Church and
Society without exclusions, just, fraternal and supportive; signals of God s Kingdom.