The purpose of this work is to develop teaching sequences around ethical perspectives in interface with the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), aimed at the curricular components of the 9th grade of Elementary School. The proposal of the educational product seeks to collaborate with teachers in the process of approaching ethics as an object of knowledge. The theoretical foundation of this work is initially supported by philosophical, theological and pedagogical perspectives of theorists such as Jurgen Habermas, Martha Nussbaum, Hans Jonas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Leonardo Boff, Paulo Freire, Ronald Duska, Calligaris among others, whose conceptual structures are useful for the reflection and application of ethics in the educational context as proposed by the BNCC. The methodology adopted for the development of the product consists of the following steps: bibliographic and documentary review, development and analysis of the educational product and, expected results. The bibliographic and documentary review, as well as the analysis and discussion of the teaching sequence, were guided by several ethical concepts in interface with the BNCC. Through this educational product, we intend to promote ethical principles in adolescence, specifically among 9th grade students. In addition, the didactic sequences aim to develop skills and abilities in the personal, social and environmental fields aligned with the BNCC.