The current essay presents a bibliographical investigation and analysis of some of the speeches from Bishoop Macedo aiming to discover the theological construction of the sacrificial offering practices and appropriation found in Brazilian Neo-charismatic movement (neopentecostalismo), focused on the church “Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus – IURD”. The first two chapters approaches theme with the help of experienced authors on the subject. In the third chapter we develop the educational implications of such theological constructions introduced in the practices of the movement. For this, we make use of the methodological proposal, the instructions, and the concepts presented in Paulo Freire's book Pedagogy of the Oppressed. The search for the educational implication of the practices of this segment has an important impact on the life of the faithful people who follows it, as well as on the development of the ecclesial communities descending from the Protestant Reformation movement, which has a theological precise expression. In this essay we achieved our goals by clarifying our understanding that the Brazilian Neo-charismatic movement practiced at the IURD represents a new religious practice, a hybrid movement in the theological formulation and worship practices, and that the educational implications of this new form of religion establish a new way of teaching the Christian God taught in the Reformation movement.