Domestic and family violence is a serious problem that affects countless families around the world. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue, this work seeks to answer the following research question: How to confront and prevent domestic and family violence against women in the ecclesiastical context? In this sense, the general objective was to model a training course to combat domestic and family violence against women in evangelical churches in the Federal District. The specific objectives were the following: a) explore the concept of domestic and family violence from the perspective of the Maria da Penha Law, in the context of the church; b) evaluate the contributions of the Maria da Penha Vai à Escola [Maria da Penha Goes to the School] Program (MPVE) to combating domestic and family violence in the context of evangelical churches, considering the success of the program from an educational approach; c) propose a leadership training course based on curricular analysis and modeling of the MPVE Program, as a strategy for confronting and preventing domestic and family violence against women. It is noteworthy that the aim of the work was not to discuss hermeneutical controversies of biblical texts, but rather to emphasize the relevance of the need to prevent and combat domestic and family violence against evangelical women. The proposal is a strategy for the church to contribute to the solution of this demand, in order to realize its transformative spiritual and social role. Regarding methodological aspects, the bibliographical research was based on previous research and scientific articles, consulted from Google Scholar and main databases. It was also based on research, reports and statistical data from the MPVE Program, and used feminist hermeneutics in the analysis of biblical texts. The qualitative analysis considered the researcher's experience in his area of professional activity in combating domestic and family violence against women in the Federal District, as well as textual data, articles and text segments, based on content analysis with the support of the Atlas-Ti software to categorize the MPVE Program training course and thus model a program that can be implemented in the training of leaders to assist churches in confronting domestic and family violence against women. It qualifies as exploratory research, since the thematic approach in the ecclesiastical context on the Maria da Penha Law can help in confronting domestic and family violence and, also, how this knowledge can help pastors and leaders in guiding and counseling women in a situation of violence. The expectation is that the course can contribute to the training of leaders committed to combating DFV and promoting healthy and respectful family relationships. The dissertation is structured into five chapters, including the introduction, and is the result of the research work of the Postgraduate Program in the Area of Concentration in Practical Theology, of the Interinstitutional Master's Degree of Faculdades EST and Faculdade Teológica Batista Teológica of Brasília, to obtain the degree of Master in Theology.