This research aims to sensitize the religious and not religious women about the
important role of knowing the types of violence that may affect them in a daily basis.
The other proposal is to reflect about their rights through Maria da Penha s Law as a
way to achieve a more dignified and healthy life. In order to do so, it is necessary to
know the meaning of some concepts such as gender violence, feminism, the woman
within the Feminist Theology and the transformations that have been taking place in
several churches concerning the role of women. I believe it is necessary that our
religious institutions aim to create a pastoral service for women under the perspective
of participation , the concept of participation reveals the woman as the one who not
only deals with the systematized matters related to marriage, which are installed in
the churches, but also as the one who, through the act of participation, gets involved
in social, political, religious, ethical and esthetic concerns in our society. Thus, we
hope to be able to offer a conscious reading concerning the role of the woman in
society and the discourses that are preached and legitimated within our religious
institutions and in society. Then, we take aim at the women s self-affirmation as
leaders, mainly in the ecclesiastical arena.