An analysis of the theme is presented: “The resignification of Pessach”. In the first moment, Pessach will be detailed in its evolution, starting from the origins and the practice of this celebration, as well as the influence of other peoples that reflected on the customs. Subsequently, the attributes of Pessach in the Old Testament periods and the continuity of the Jewish tradition will be addressed, where the new characteristics allowed new interpretations on the occasions that were celebrated. The purpose of the work is to detail the historical readings, as well as the prophetic ones, that took place around the paschal lamb as a redemptive sacrifice. After the destruction of the second temple, Pessach begins to have new understandings or resignifications, thus, it is not only linked to a paschal lamb (animal), but also to a prophetic fulfillment. The objective of the research work is to identify and detail the understanding through time related to the theme, where, originally, the lamb was not only for the Old Testament, but also for the New Testament. In this way, Jewish families would meditate on deliverance every time they celebrated Passover. So too, in Jesus' day, they believed in deliverance through the sacrificial death of the Lamb of God, thus necessitating no further shedding of the blood of the paschal lamb.