The central theme of this research is Pediatric Oncological Hospital Chaplaincy – CHPO. The initial search of the dissertation is for historical-medical-pediatric information in the prehistoric period and in some important civil and religious civilizations of antiquity, with the main objective of finding elements that can historically support a CHPO. Next, the search is for general, historical, medical and pediatric information about cancer, followed by a brief conceptualization of the integrality and multidimensionality of the human being, ending with some indicators of how cancer in children and adolescents negatively impacts this human format. The objective of this second moment of the research is to justify the presence and participation of a multidisciplinary team in the care process, including a CHPO. Later, in a third moment, the search is for theoretical concepts around the term “care”, in the expectation that these concepts will be light to clarify the understanding and light to illuminate the practice of a multidisciplinary team in an oncological pediatrics, so that its performance is adequate and transformative. Finally, in a fourth moment, an Experience Report of the author is available, based on his experience in a pediatric oncology inpatient unit, where he was able to identify and bring some important theoretical and practical elements for the creation, implementation, organization and development of a CHPO.