The present work reflexively analyzes the structuring elements for sustainability, having as theoretical contributions, the multifaceted contributions of different thinkers and segments of society. Mother Earth is composed of a vast biodiversity, as well as a very rich socio-diversity, through its traditions and peoples. There is an increasing need to defend Mother Earth, targeted by increasing aggression. The method used for the deepening of this academic work was See, Judge and Act, enlisting around human ecology, always aiming to offer paths of hope to preserve human life and the life of other beings that inhabit Mother Earth. The sequence is composed of a brief introduction, then the second chapter that describes the dialogical life, the third chapter that will deal with the anthropic actions in the bosom of Mother Earth, the fourth chapter works the different meanings to understand the anthropic action, then the fifth chapter with the new propositions of care for the planet. Finally, it is concluded that the environmental crisis is concretely present in our contemporaneity and its imbalances are visible and easily verified in the founding elements of life, such as land, water and air. In this way, there is an increasing need for changes in behavior that pay special attention to this living organism here called Mother Earth.