The present work has as its goal to show the scenarios of the Church of the Parish of Our Lady of Ó and Immaculate Conception, in Valença do Piauí, which have been drawn since 1946. For that matter, the text was written in three chapters. The first chapter, entitled “The town and the parishioners in Valença do Piauí”, makes a narrative of the emergence of this city, the characters involved and the circumstances that led it to reach the category of city. As well as the work of a few priests since 1946 to 1997, who designed various scenarios of the Church in Valença. The second chapter, entitled “The contribution of the priests of the Theology of Liberation and the Grassroots Ecclesial Communities to the Church of Valença”, outlines the contribution of the work carried out by the parish priests and the laity, especially from 1970s on, to the Church of Valença, making it change from an institutionalized church to a more liberating church, closer to the people. In the third chapter, entitled “From a Sacramental Church to a Church community of communities”, it was intended to recognize the presence of characteristics of this church scenario already effectively installed in the parish and to identify the need of advances so that the Church in Valença may become even more popular.