The humanist chains and the updated searching in Mental Health area did contribute
in a relevant basis to the psychiatry review happened in Brazil, recently. This one
was been prepared since the start of 90 years and had been implemented since the
start of 21stcentury, 2001 sharply. Its proposal is a new model which gives a higher
autonomy to the person who presents mind disorders/diseases and acclaim family
and society, together to be part of the patient care. This new pattern foresees the out
of hospital process of patients through new and alternatives spaces forming, for
instance: day hospitals, therapeutics homes, psychosocial care centers and so on.
This new scenery of Psychiatry is a great challenge for evangelization so it requires a
new paradigm by Christian that for many times integrates the preconception inside
the evangelical message. In many aspects, still today, the mental pathology is
considered as an evil possession or divine punishment in damage Lord announce of
mercy, love and tender. The pastoral counseling in mental health ought to have its
roots well founded in the Holy Bible and at the same time be inclined each more to a
open minded dialogue among Human Sciences and society in order to offer an
appropriate evangelical action to those are living on the edge (out of limit). Is on this
context that pastoral counseling has an important role helping to live life in a wide
sense opposing several experiences on the society in which many times there is
sense only where exists productivity and significant results to feed the disordered
search for consumism to assure the fake self achievement built on HAVE and
POWER basis. Evangelize always must be a different action to those group of
people/patients. Despite of Pastoral makes contact to Sciences and search on them
guidelines to adapt actions it can not deviate itself away from the main content, does
mean the incarnated Holy Bible message. This one can be released and
communicated for many times only and above all by the solidary presence closed to
the patient. More important than theories and explanations the friendship attitude /
behavior is the way to offer the warranty to this patient a chance of a deep
experience of a God full of love, tender and mercy