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  • Hoss, Geni Maria; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2010-01-02)
    The humanist chains and the updated searching in Mental Health area did contribute in a relevant basis to the psychiatry review happened in Brazil, recently. This one was been prepared since the start of 90 years and had ...
  • Hoppe, Walter; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2013-01-07)
    This study aimed to reflect the care in the pastoral practice developed with the people who live with HIV/Aids and enrich it with texts that reflect on this practice. In this study an interdisciplinary approach was used. ...
  • Kunz, Claiton André; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2006-03-14)
    This dissertation is an analysis of one of Jesus teachings methods. Parabolic actions, which were used by the Old Testament prophets, were also used by Jesus Christ. This research tries to attest this use and establish ...
  • Aguiar, Rossana Carvalho e Silva; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2015-07-22)
    This research explores the theme of adoption from a multidisciplinary focus. Throughout history adoption has been a possibility for women and men to fulfill the maternal and paternal desire. The history of the people of ...
  • Nilsson, Werno (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2007-08-15)
    This paper will be useful as manual for the Pastoral Psychological Counseling of Internal Infractor Adolescents based on the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (ECA). The first part approaches the old Juveniles Code ...
  • Monteiro, Gilberto Maximiliano (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2007-07-10)
    In this research we present a Program of Education inside directed toward the world of the developed work of a Public company ECT (Brazilian Company of Post offices and Telegraphs), whose objective was to promote actions ...
  • Branco, Roberta Priscila da Costa; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2022-07-04)
    This is a bibliographical research that presents the theme Adolescents in conflict with the law. The general objective of this study is to reflect on the social representation of families and adolescents in conflict with ...
  • Lírio, Luciano de Carvalho; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2017-07-10)
    This research was carried out with the support of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) and its main objective is to analyze who are and how Brazilian evangelical adolescents of the 21st century ...
  • Estrella, Fernanda Adriane de Castro; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2020-03-06)
    The present work was based on a field research using the case study methodology involving 20 adolescents who had their deliveries at the maternity ward of Hospital Centenário, in São Leopoldo, RS. The research was approved ...
  • Lirio, Luciano de Carvalho; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2013-06-05)
    This research was carried out with the support of CAPES Brasil and proposes a reflection on the adolescence experienced in a Gaúcho Pentecostal fundamentalist context , adopting as parameter the Igreja Batista Conservadora ...
  • Bispo, Luciana Santos; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2020-03-25)
    This paper presents reflections about the meaning of life for contemporary adolescence based on the contributions of a school context. Having as its general goal to investigate to what measure themes related to the meaning ...
  • Campos, Robson Jubrica de; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2020-04-03)
    The work seeks to understand the current relationship between the church and adolescents. There is a certain difficulty in this relationship, both on the part of adolescents and on the part of the church. On the issue of ...
  • Silva, Dejanira Lieta Corrêa e; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2012-01-10)
    Through social and bibliographic research the present paper has dedicated itself to bring a more up to date vision of how young adults/teenagers/students of the first year of high school, belonging ...
  • Motta, Ana Suziene Braz de Lalor; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2007-08-25)
    How to identify the familiar, educational and religious abandonment, as emotional process of the human being? How can it be done? To find the answer to these questions of reflexive and critical form is the goal pursued ...
  • Melo, Keila Conceição Costa Rezende de; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2018-06-29)
    This thesis, as a theoretical-bibliographic study, has as its goal to comprehend affectivity as a resource for the emancipation of the individual in modernity through the prism approximating the cognitivist theory of Henri ...
  • Oliveira, Maristela Fatima dos Santos; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2011-01-03)
    This thesis aims to show the importance to be given to the affective aspect in the teaching and learning. Whereas each person's stage of development, it is understood that each child is different cognitively and affectively. ...
  • Franco, Elisângela de Carvalho; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2013-07-10)
    The present study is aimed at investigating the relevance of affection in the education of students deaf adolescents and deaf, aiming to promote an integral education and inclusive in the school space. For both, the ...
  • Silveira, Hendrix Alessandro Anzorena; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2019-12-18)
    The present thesis aims to attribute meanings and purposes to the rituals of the Traditions of African Origin based on a theological reflection founded on an Afrocentric epistemology and the eshuneutic method; to establish ...
  • Oliveira, Dayse Cristina Silva de; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2018-01-22)
    This paper investigates the impact of affection in the construction of the knowledge of mathematics in adolescence, using, as an instrument, bibliographic review of studies and works which legitimate the inseparability of ...
  • Gierus, Renate; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2006-08-15)
    This research intends to delineate the profiles of German immigrant women, who came to the south of Brazil in the second half of the nineteenth century. This delineation is based on three newspapers and on letters written ...