The process of aging is a world phenomenon. This study presents a bibliographic research which has as its object the relation between human development and faith, observing its applicability to the life of the institutionalized elderly person in an interdisciplinary focus. First it analyzes the demographic development and the impacts caused in society with the increase of the elderly population and presents the ILPI - Instituição de Longa Permanência [Institution for Long Residence] as a community experience and a viable alternative for current times. In sequence, it studies the phases of the human development, specifically that of the elderly person, dealt with by Erikson and James Loder, pointing to the perspective of the Logic of the Spirit, which is analogically related to the way God, through the Holy Spirit, operates in human experience. The paper ends pointing out a proposal of mentorship which foresees the improvement of the personal and professional development of the caretakers. Finally, faith is understood as a unifying center of life of the elderly person, in an act which unconditionally touches the person, faced with the ambiguity of human existence, in which the dynamics of faith make up life and propitiate spiritual experiences, bringing to memory that which generates hope, life in community and care.