This research seeks to establish a dialog between the phenomenology of Life of Michel Henry and education, especially Education for Youth and Adults (EJA). Phenomenology understands Affection as an essential condition of the human being and begins from this paradigm to comprehend education as a sensitizing action which seeks the development of the potentialities of all involved, propitiating the encounter of these subjects with Life. The introduction presents the relation between Education for Youth and Adults and phenomenology of Life thinking of the possible contributions for educational practices in EJA. The first chapter deals with the subjects who make up the daily life of the schools, thinking of the school as a place of encounters and dis-encounters which, sometimes, create obstacles to the presence of life in its fullness. The phenomenology of Life makes it possible for the human being to have a new perspective, able to contribute to the development of the educational processes and practices in EJA. The second chapter deals with the mutual enrichment that can be established in an education which values teachers and students, as well as the whole school community. An approximation between the thinking of Michel Henry and Paulo Freire, both thinkers about Life as an incarnated práxis in the daily life of men and women of all ages, is established. The theological dimension present in the work of the authors is presented as well. In the third chapter the relation between education and ethics is highlighted, which makes it possible to have an encounter and dialog between people of different cultures based on the respect of the subjectivities and the valorization of diversity in the communal construction of relations which potentialize Life.