This paper deals with the historical process, since 1989, of implantation of the legalization of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, known as abortion, in the governmental management of Brazil, up to the present, containing various technical norms, the main one being the Technical Norm of Prevention and Treatment of the Injuries Resulting from Sexual Violence against Women and Adolescents, which was transformed into the CBylaw 03-2013 and sanctioned into Law num. 12,845, known as the Trojan Horse. Such legislation, seen as a present to the woman, has implicit between the lines the legalization of the abortion and the removal of the right of conscientious objection of the health professional who refuses to carry out such a procedure. Other legislations and judiciary pronouncements which aim at deconstructing the concept of life of the unborn child, having in sight this desired conquest, are sponsored by great international foundations of demographic control. Bioethics, as a multidisciplinary Science, will give its contributions on the theme which is greatly debated in current times, using Embriology to verify the true beginning of human life. Philosophy will also give its contribution in this multidisciplinarity, when, in its rational presuppositions, it is able to provide elements which help place the unborn as a human person and furnish values of otherness and responsibility with the life present in the maternal womb. The proposal of the statute of the unborn aims to protect the unborn from any threat which it might suffer, guaranteeing all of its fundamental rights so that it can be born with life. Christian theology will give its word in favor of the human life from conception, affirming, based on biblical keys, that the unborn is shaped by God, created by his love. The Teaching of the Apostolic Roman Catholic church condemns any practice of abortion or threats which life in the mother’s womb may suffer and the pronouncements of some of popes recommend doctors to care for the human life from conception.This needs to be seen as the other Christ, which needs care and defense.