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  • Câmara, Thiago Jonatas Ferreira; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-06-26)
    The Amazon, a region of rich biodiversity and cultural diversity, faces social and educational challenges, including limited access to formal theological education. Television, a mass media with a wide reach in the region, ...
  • Câmara, Ana Lucia Ferreira; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-06-25)
    The thesis presented here aims to analyze the perspective regarding the diaconal transversality of the music ministry in Pentecostal churches, especially in the Assembleias de Deus no Brasil (Assemblies of God Churches in ...
  • Câmara, Jônatas; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-06-26)
    Pentecostalism is a form of contemporary ecclesiastical organization. Its history and development are inextricably linked to the poorest segments of the Brazilian population. As a religious phenomenon, it is a sector that ...
  • Matos, Antônia Débora das Neves; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-06-24)
    Religious Education as a curricular component can be seen as a great potential for inclusive education. After all, it has characteristics that, if well explored, can strengthen the process of school inclusion, working on ...
  • Cougo, Caroline Julie da Rosa; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-07-05)
    This study aims to analyze the sacred in Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" through Paul Tillich's Method of Correlation. It is an interdisciplinary work that combines Theology and Literature. To support the ...
