Repositório DSpace da Faculdades EST

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  • Barbosa, Giorlando Laranjeira; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-07-26)
    In this research, through the descriptive hermeneutic-phenomenological method, we sought, based on the contributions of Michel Henry and in accordance with the assumptions of affective phenomenology, to understand the ...
  • Silva, José Roberto Limas da; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-07-26)
    The search for an epistemology specific to Christian theology is the theme and, from this perspective, the action that problematizes the research proposed in this thesis. The research takes place in a completely bibliographical ...
  • Pereira, David; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-08-15)
    This dissertation aims to discuss the pastoral care for the elderly of the Baptist Memorial Church in the city of Brasilia, in the years of the pandemic, 2020-22. How have technological means contributed, from a poimenic ...
  • Santos, Celia da Costa; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2024-08-13)
    This research presents a section of the history of deaf people, seeking to consider different contexts of the religious experience of the faith community and, from this place, propose a Catholic spirituality for these ...
  • Brüning, Djonata; (Faculdades ESTBRTeologiaPrograma de TeologiaEST, 2023-07-03)
    The present work analyzes Dietrich Bonhoeffer's concept of order of preservation, which he used in the early 1930s. The objective is to investigate the contributions that this Bonhoefferian concept brings to theological ...

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