Water is a priceless natural resource since it is vital for the balance of life, of the ecosystem and of the biological cycles. The planet is covered by approximately 71% water. Of the total amount of water on the planet less than 3% is appropriate for human consumption. The improper use of water, the constant lack of awareness as to its care and waste causes a significant impact on the infrastructure of the water resources. This paper is based on research and readings from material collected on the Fraternity Campaign (CF) of 2004, which seeks the full awareness raising of our generation about the proper use of water as a common good, as a duty and right of each citizen in the real context of the Brazilian society. The theme of the CF 2004, which presented water as the main focus, was concerned with the preservation, care and adequate use of this natural good, which is constantly threatened by political and economic interests of some groups, or even of humanity in general. The unimpeded quest for power, with ever less interest in serving the people, causes the trampling of values which should care for the common good. The lack of awareness of the importance of water as the basis of the life of all of nature, of the planet and, consequently of humanity, creates egotistical attitudes of destruction and exploitation of this resource. This threatens all of creation. The water resources together with other natural resources clamor for greater care based on a co-responsible ethics of all humanity. This ethics would contribute to pointing out paths for conversion and transformation of the society so that these resources would be valued in their fullness. The human being is the apex of the work of creation and because the human being is the image of God this human being should have values of respect and love for the planet and for its sources of life. The image of God imbedded in the person should be the moving axis which promotes life through the resources which He offered.