The research deals with Religious Education in regular schools in the Municipality of Caucaia/CE. It aims to analyze Religious Education taught in schools in the city, raising questions about its practice, as well as the articulation of the objects of knowledge taught and teacher training. It is based on the Education Guidelines and Bases Law - LDB, which determines the provision of Religious Education to students in Elementary School for public and private institutions, and the National Common Curricular Base - BNCC, which corroborates guidelines on Religious Education in schools covering knowledge, skills and abilities that students must develop throughout their educational journey, ensuring the definition of the content covered in Basic Education in the quest to promote equality in education systems. BNCC considers Religious Education as an area of knowledge and a curricular component, with the main objective of offering religious knowledge unrelated to any form of indoctrination, belief or specific religious choice. The focus of this teaching is to carry out a scientific and ethical study of religious phenomena, covering their diverse convictions and meanings. Aiming to achieve the proposed objective, the research's generating problem is to understand how Religious Education is practiced in regular schools in Caucaia, considering its plurality, with indigenous, quilombola, rural and urban communities. To achieve the proposed objective and elucidate the problem in question, this study is anchored in a qualitative analysis approach with descriptive and exploratory methodology, and documentary analysis, including documents from the municipality of Caucaia, such as the curricular proposal, and national documents such as the LDB and BNCC. The results obtained indicated that it is essential to promote significant changes in Religious Education in regular schools in Caucaia. And, to this end, it is necessary to invest in teacher training, improve curricular guidelines for the purchase and selection of appropriate teaching materials in the quest to guarantee quality Religious Education, respecting the religious diversity present in the municipality and contributing to the integral formation of the student body. Therefore, this research proposes an e-book to improve teacher training for Religious Education in regular schools in Caucaia, aiming for more complete and inclusive training for male and female students and promoting an environment of respect for the religious diversity present in region.